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A delightful playboy, J4nku2of - PLAYER_X EP2 | PNC 2022

PUBG Esports pro players are striving for survival, and for a greater glory even today. The “PLAYER_X” interview series has returned for “PUBG NATIONS CUP (PNC) 2022,” to look deeper into the life and dream of pro players. This time, PLAYER_X talked to the second interviewee, J4nku2of of Thai pro team Attack All Around, who’s competing in PNC 2022 representing his country. Keep reading to learn about this well-experienced player’s life as a pro.


Nice to meet you! Could you introduce yourself to our readers?

J4nku2of: Hi. My name is Nattapol Laorngoen and my in-game nickname is J4nku2of. I belong to Thai pro team, Attack All Around, now and also Team Thailand for PNC 2022.


What is the keyword that best describes you?

J4nku2of: “Playboy,” I guess. (Laughter) Actually my fans call me like that. I guess it’s because of my appearance and friendly personality.


It might be a bit naughty question, but do you get along with female friends?

J4nku2of: Yes. (Laughter) I’m very delightful and gentle, so it’s easy for me to hang out with people. Honestly, I had many female friends when I was a student. Once I had even more female friends than guy friends.


You look like a rascal. You might be the life of the party, you really are?

J4nku2of: Pro players have a role in their team. My role is “ad-lib.” (Laughter)


Your nickname, J4nku2of, looks cool, although it’s a bit hard to read. What does it mean and why did you choose the name?

J4nku2of: I’m a fan of “Marek Jankulovski,” a soccer player who used to play for AC Milan, an Italian pro team. My nickname is after his name. In this nickname, 4 means “a” and 2 is for “I.”


As you named yourself as a pro player after your favorite soccer player, you seem to be interested in soccer very much. Are you good at it, too?

J4nku2of: I was so crazy about soccer I was a student. When my friends smelled good, I always smelled of sweat. I didn’t want to waste my time for lunch, so I ate quickly and played soccer. I practiced after school, too.


Was a pro soccer player your childhood dream?

J4nku2of: It was, once. But I didn’t take it seriously or prepare for it. It enjoyed it for a hobby. Actually, I was already interested in esports back then and participated in local tournaments for a shooter called “Special Force.” Soccer is just a hobby for me.


Still, you were very serious about soccer. Do you think your experience of practicing soccer hard is helping you practice and play PUBG: BATTLEGROUNDS better and build a good teamwork?

J4nku2of: I think PUBG: BATTLEGROUNDS and soccer have something in common. You frequently meet opponents face to face whether you play the game or soccer. Therefore, you need to come up with appropriate strategies to deal with the situations. In that respect, my previous experience is quite helpful.


What do you think the life as an esports player is like, compared to soccer or the other sporting events in the professional level?

J4nku2of: Be it esports or any other professional-level sporting event, you need to be intensely focused, and you also must practice very hard for better performances. Meanwhile, it is fact that popular sports like soccer have more major events and get far more attention of the public than esports.


As you’re constantly facing cutthroat competitions as a pro player, you must get stressed a lot. How do you relieve yourself?

J4nku2of: I think stress to some extent can be actually helpful. I try to clear my head as best as I can and enjoy some hobbies.


What was the most memorable moment as a pro player?

J4nku2of: I’ve been a pro since I was in the college, so I did my study and worked as a pro at the same time. Although I spared lots of time to practice the game, my grade was really good. I even had some income! Those years are really unforgettable.


What do you think is the most important standard that makes a great PUBG Esports player?

J4nku2of: I think the most important one is to have a clear goal. If you have a clear aim, it’s easier to move forward.


What do you want to do after retirement?

J4nku2of: My major is Business Administration, so I guess I would work in the related field. Of course, as I’m an esports player, I would work in the esports industry.


What kind of player do you want to be remembered by your fans when you retire?

J4nku2of: Actually, I want to tell this to the younger players: Follow and learn only good aspects of the senior players. So, I’d like to be a player whom they can set an example for.


What do you think is the most crucial to enhance the chemistry with the teammates and be one team?

J4nku2of: First, I hope we can always enjoy practicing and stay happy, while we play the game together. Second, I think we should respect each other both inside and outside game. Every player has different personality and playstyle, and they all deserve respect.


You said you want to enjoy the game, then do you think you would be able to enjoy the game even when you lose? Many players get stressed when they are defeated, but you seem to have your own way to handle such situations.

J4nku2of: You need to enjoy the game to first to be able to fully prepare for your tournament. You just train hard and do your best in the competition. You might lose even though you did your best, and of course, it can feel regretful. But I think it’s natural.


PUBG: BATTLEGOURNDS is very popular in Thailand, do you feel the popularity?

J4nku2of: We’re seeing more Thai users recently, so it’s more fun to play PUBG: BATTLEGROUNDS. Naturally, this give me more anticipation when I get to play the Ranked Mode.


Apart from gaming, what makes you happy the most?

J4nku2of: As I’m a grown-up now, I love to hang out at night. Especially, I enjoy clubbing very much. (Laughter)


Among other pro players who came to Thailand for PNC 2022, who do you think would be fun to go clubbing with?

J4nku2of: PaG3 from Team Finland. (Laughter)