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Maybe I’m young, but I’m talented, Nourinz - PLAYER_X EP1 | PNC 2022

PUBG Esports pro players are striving for survival, and for a greater glory even today. The “PLAYER_X” interview series has returned for “PUBG NATIONS CUP (PNC) 2022,” to look deeper into the life and dream of pro players. PLAYER_X talked to Nourinz ━ our first interviewee ━ here in Bangkok, Thailand. He’s the ace of Thai-based pro team Daytrade Gaming and competed in PNC 2022 representing his country. Keep reading to learn about this young player’s life as a pro.


Nice to meet you! Could you introduce yourself to our readers?

Nourinz: Hi, I’m Tanaporn Udompornampai, or Nourinz. I’m a member of Thailand’s PUBG Esports pro team Daytrade Gaming. I’m participating in PNC 2022 as a part of Team Thailand.


How would you describe yourself as a PUBG Esports pro player?

Nourinz: I think I’m a kind of player with strong fundamentals and skills.

What does your in-game nickname, “Nourinz,” mean?

Nourinz: I took my in-game nickname from an anime called “No-Rin,” I just added a little “z” to it.


How long have you played PUBG: BATTLEGROUNDS? Do you remember your first Winner Winner Chicken Dinner?

Nourinz: I started playing this game only two weeks after its service opened. I don’t remember my first WWCD. But I do remember there was a special event in which they handed out a special hat skin. All I needed to do was to get a WWCD in the solo mode. I vividly remember that I was so excited to get one.


What is your favorite part of PUBG: BATTLEGROUNDS as a gaming content?

Nourinz: My favorite part is survival and gunplay.


The reason why you find gunplay entertaining is that you are confident with it, am I right?

Nourinz: Yes. I think I can say yes for sure.


It’s not the first time for us to interview you. We met with each other during the “PUBG GLOBAL INVITATIONAL.S 2021,” which was held in Korea early last year. Now that more than a year has passed, do you think you’ve become a more capable player?

Nourinz: Like I did at PGI.S 2021, I’ve been concentrated in practicing teamwork-based plays. And I’m continuing to prepare for the next tournament in this way.


Why did you do before becoming a PUBG Esports pro player?

Nourinz: I was just a normal high school student.


Did you dream of becoming an esports player when you were a student? Or did you have a future hope as a boy?

Nourinz: When I was younger, I wanted to be a programmer. But as I was studying IT, I learned about PUBG: BATTLEGROUNDS and I started dreaming about becoming a pro player.


From a normal high school student, you’ve turned to a popular PUBG Esports pro player. Has your life changed a lot in the meantime? It wouldn’t be the same since now you have fans of your own and more responsibilities, too.

Nourinz: When I was a student, studying was everything I did. After school, I could play PUBG: BATTLEGROUNDS until midnight. Then I wake up again in the next morning to go to school. Now that I’ve become a pro esports player, I practice 8 to 9 hours per day. I cannot say this is easy.


What do you think are the pros and cons of being an esports player?

Nourinz: Although it can be good to be popular. But I don’t think popularity is a magic wand for me. I think having to spend a lot of time to practice is one of the cons.


What kind of person you are when you’re playing the game?

Nourinz: Honestly, I’m a bit shy and introvert. I enjoy staying at home alone, listening to music and watching movie.


I’m curious of your daily routine. What do you do to develop yourself apart from gaming?

Nourinz: I have a regular daily routine. I wake up in the morning, breakfast, work out and wash myself. I then I practice. When it’s over, I play with the team in the evening. I go to sleep after the team practice. This is my routine.


As a pro player, sometimes you’ll get stressed out. What do you do to keep a healthy mentality?

Nourinz: When I get angry or feel not so good, I listen to a lot of music to change the mood.


What do you think is necessary to be a great PUBG Esports pro player?

Nourinz: A great player should be intensely focused and should be able to keep a sound mental and physical condition.


Between personal gaming skills and capabilities to help your team, what do you think is more important?

Nourinz: I think both are very important. Basically, a good personal gaming skill is a must. And then you need a teamwork to make good plays.


What kind of player do you want to be remembered by your fans when you get retired?

Nourinz: I want to be remembered as a boy who plays games very well.


Do you have a motto that you keep in your mind as a pro player?

Nourinz: Do the utmost and pay respect to other players.


Until last year, some argued you’re still young and inexperienced. Now that you’ve become the ace of your team and a player who represents his country, do you think you’re still young?

Nourinz: Maybe I’m young. But I’m talented enough to outgun other players. I’m sure of it. Of course, I’m the youngest in my team so I can say I’m still young.