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PGI.S Weekly Final: Week 5 Recap - Cash Only Stacks Higher From Here!

The penultimate PGI.S Weekly Series has concluded and after an intense 10-match Weekly Final and 8-match Bottom16, the leaderboards are finalized moving into the final week of PGI.S!Teams have a handful of opportunities left to position themselves in a favorable spot and claim the title of PGI.S Champion!

Here's your PGI.S Weekly Final Week 5 recap including overall leading PEPS players, Top 5 Kill and Damage Leaders, the Bottom16 standings, and teams to watch before we kick-off the last PGI.S Weekly Series!

The PGI.S Weekly Survival Week 6 matches will begin March 23rd at 7PM KST / 3AM PDT / 11AM CET!

Pick'Em Challenge Week 6 is live, so make sure to tune into Weekly Survival or cast your votes today on your favorite teams!This week, you can win serious EP for correctly voting Weekly Final Top 4 and Weekly Chicken Dinner Winners.


Weekly Final Recap-Day 1

In Week 5, the Weekly Survival matches established another week of upsets for high-ranking prize teams as FaZe Clan, Zenith, Four Angry Men, and Shoot to Kill entered the Bottom 16.The Weekly Final welcomed 2 new teams into the ring-DivisionX Gaming and ENTER.FORCE 36 for the first time.

Teams were eager to seat amongst the Top 4 and score a piece of the $600,000 crowd-funding cash prize.The team with the most cash at the end of PGI.S is our new Champion!



Soniqs was back and playing as great as ever in Weekly Final Match 1, holding it down in a 4v4 on Tianba for the match win.As teams were taking home placement points, Gen.G's damage dealers were holding down kill points.Scoring 10 kills in the second match of the day, Multi Circle Gaming took the win in a heated exchange with - denying their back-to-back Top 4 match play!

By the end of Match 3, Gen.G had 20 kill points-second in the lobby.It seemed as if Multi Circle Gaming would run home with the leaderboard as they scored their second WWCD in Match 4!

Unfortunately, they left a huge target on their back and took an early wipe in Match 5 where Daytrade Gaming surprised the crowd in a Final 4 against META GAMING, Digital Athletics, and DivisionX Gaming.

At the end of Day 1, Multi Circle Gaming placed first, but within a 20 point difference, you'd find 8 competing teams!


  • Match 1: Soniqs (NA)
  • Match 2: Multi Circle Gaming (CN)
  • Match 3: Petrichor Road (CN)
  • Match 4: Multi Circle Gaming (CN)
  • Match 5: Daytrade Gaming (SEA)

Weekly Final Recap-Day 2

At the start of the Weekly Final Day 2, scored a 6-kill WWCD to jump from 3rd to 1st, but were wiped early in Match 7 as Tianba took the opportunity to outplay Gen.G and Soniqs for the win!

infantry continued pushing the Chinese region forward as the next match-winner and jumped 8 positions before the final two matches of the Weekly Final!It seemed to be anyone's game and teams leaned into every kill point they could grab.

Match 9 was a highlight for the weekend as Gen.G Pio held his own against multiple teams, long-play snaked into the final 2 teams of the match.T1 Adder was the last player in Pio's way and ended up denying Gen.G of a crucial win!Still, placement and kill points in Match 9 placed Gen.G at the top of the leaderboard with infantry, Soniqs, Multi Circle Gaming, Petrichor Road, and within 10 points behind.

Fans were at the edge of their seat as META GAMING threw down a huge kill-point game, ultimately going from 12th to 2nd place on the leaderboards.They took at large players in the lobby while Digital Athletics denied Tianba esports another win-propelling themselves into the Top 4 for the weekend!


  • Match 6: (EU)
  • Match 7: Tianba esports (CN)
  • Match 8: infantry (CN)
  • Match 9: T1 (KR)
  • Match 10: Digital Athletics (EU)

At the end of the day, PGI.S is all about the cash.In a combination of placement and kill points, your Top 4 weekend cash winners: Gen.G ($300,000), META GAMING ($150,000), infantry ($75,000), and Digital Athletics ($75,000)!




Weekly Final-Bottom16

Teams in the Bottom16 really feel the PGI.S pressure in the final week as they fight for their lives to get a chance in the Weekly Final!At the end of Bottom16 Week 5, the Week 4 Prize Rank Leader Zenith held the top spot over FaZe Clan, Buriram United Esports, Shoot to Kill, and Triumphant Song Gaming-huge performers so far in PGI.S!These teams will have the first chances to secure the Weekly Final, but only time will tell.



Weekly Final Week 5-Top 5 Kill and Damage Leaders

Gen.G Pio and META sparkingg left big impressions on the Top 5 player leaderboards in Week 5, trading each other for Top Kill/Damage and topping the PEPS overall!infantry LongSkr held it down for the team, just a few hundred damage points behind.

Do these players leading the Top Kill and Damage during the Weekly Final surprise you?




DivisonX Gaming FerGus put their team on the map in the first Weekly Final for the team!Petrichor Road and Digital Athletics, relatively unfamiliar faces, showed up this week thanks to CodeMarco and Aixleft, respectively.


Top Overall PEPS Players

PEPS measures a player's battle, strategy, and experience during the Weekly Final-comparing skills and playstyles to others in the lobby.

Although match outcome varies week over week, PEPS helps inform the successes behind a team's path to victory!

After a few Pio highlights this past weekend, it's no surprise to see the standout player take a turn at PEPS Overall best player. Scoring a 100 in finishing, firepower, combatability, Pio fragged out all weekend. Noticeably, playing wide from his team for angles and dropping late, securing almost all points from kills during the weekend.



META GAMING representing LATAM was a hot topic before PGI.S even started, but sparkingg alongside his team has put META GAMING on the map! Some say sparkingg is developing as one of the best mechanical players in this lobby-destroying teams in crucial situations. Leaning into offensive style and looting attack items to deal damage, sparkingg is unmatched in damage output coupled with great teamplay in Week 5!



infantry is always a force in the blue zone and this Weekly Final is no different. LongSkr continues to show presence on the leaderboard, boasting one of most well-rounded PEPS stats to date! LongSkr is the only player to position on Top 5 Kill and Damage leaders this week, placing 3rd in both. Where LongSkr shines is clearly on the offensive with a strong 100% rating and 96.2 kill point type.



There's only ONE week left in PGI.S and teams will be pushed to the limits for their chance at the Championship.PGI.S Champion is a master of survival and offensive, playing smart and low-key but winning fights when their back is against the wall!

We're sure to see the leaderboard flip in the coming matches!Stay tuned for Day 1 of PGI.S Weekly Series Week 6 on March 23rd at 7PM KST / 11AM CET / 3AM PDT.




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