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New Esports Items & Weapons: A Deep Dive with Avnqr

We recently enlisted the help of one of our PUBG Esports Experts - Martin "Avnqr" Gøth - to take a closer look at the new weapon & item additions coming to PUBG Esports this year. Keep reading below for some expert insights on how these weapon & utility additions will affect how PUBG is played at the highest level:

Let’s talk about the upcoming changes and addons and what impact they will have in tournaments and esports in general from my perspective!

Since the M4 nerf, we have seen more and more players move towards other options since there are stronger alternatives based on individual playstyle.

The AUG - It was taken out of the crate and given a small nerf. Many players now prefer this over the M4 and it’s likely going to be one of the most played guns along with the Mini14.

The FAMAS - It replaced the AUG in the crate, but many see it as one of the more inferior guns leaving the crate pool, due to its low amount of bullets caused by its lack of extended magazine.

The ACE32 - The ACE32 received a buff in the form of less screen shake when shooting, making it a good choice for those not feeling the Beryl due to its high recoil.

The M16 and Mutant - Both received a buff, being able to fire at 800 RPM instead of 600 RPM in burst mode - but I doubt we will see them played as much as the other assault rifles going forward.

We tend to see players play more of the same bullet type so if a player prefers the SLR they will play a 7.62 gun - and if they prefer the Mini14 they will now play a 5.56 gun.

In general, we are slowly moving away from a set meta like when we had everyone using M4 and the Mini14. I feel like we are going to see more spread out choices and even players picking up bolt actions for that sweet instant knock opportunity with headshots.
Utility and Meta changes
The introduction of new utility will have a big impact on how the meta will change and how the late game will be played out by giving players more opportunities. 
We have for a long time had 2 metas:

The “Center Meta” where teams constantly push for a safe spot or compound deep inside the circles - this often required a somewhat center lootspot and quick rotations.

The second meta is “Edge Meta” where teams loot for longer and play the edge of the circles, trying to engage in smart fights and third-partying teams which are already fighting.

The best teams are able to play both based on what circles they get game-by-game and adapt on the fly.

Let's talk about the M79 Smoke grenade launcher - taking up the third slot instead of pistols and sawed off shotguns. The M79 is a versatile smoke launcher that will give the teams a tool to breach compounds by smoking off windows and openings - or even using it to make smoke walls further ahead in open terrain. 

I'm really looking forward to see teams use it to breach compounds. 

In addition, the M79 could help the teams playing on the edge find a way into the circle and give them another chance - instead of having to take risky pushes where we often see where players drive around with little chance of survival.

Next up is the Utility Parachute - players will now always have a parachute for those sticky situations where they find themselves on high territory and no way down, being able to they jump off and pull a quick parachute and land safely. 

I see this as a huge buff to all the teams that prefer playing on high ground - especially on Miramar where there are so many rocks and cliffs that can be played. 

Where before you may have needed a vehicle to get down, you can now just jump off safely and get straight into the next battle.
Last but not least, the Emergency Pickup - a rare package that “orders” a plane to pick you and three friends up from any spot on the map, all the way until just before circle four closes.

It’s heavy – taking 70 capacity, which equals to 140 bullets of 5.56 ammo (or 7 First Aid Kits).

It’s virtually a must-have for teams who decide to loot on the edge - or for those playing late because the circle is far away. 

I expect teams to try and save it for as long as possible until they are forced to use it – either because they can no longer use their cars, or simply because they want to get on the other side of the circle or up on higher terrain. 

There is a limit to how the Emergency Pickup can be used, so there has to be some strategy to it - and not everyone can use it equally late. 

Once it’s popped, players have to stand next to the balloon on the ground and we will definitely see teams push, kill and try to steal Pickups from other teams. I can't wait to see it play out!
That’s it from me!
See you on the battlegrounds

- Avnqr