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Champions Crowned: PUBG Global Series 3 & 4 and PGS Points Update

Hello, PUBG Esports fans!

As we wrap up the PUBG Global Series 3 and 4, which has been an incredible journey filled with intense battles, strategic plays, and unforgettable moments, we'd like to first once again congratulate our two champions of the PUBG GLOBAL SERIES 3 & 4!

PUBG Global Series 3 & 4 Champions:

Cerberus Esports & Twisted Minds

Now, it's time to take a look at the PGS points acquired by all participating teams across both series.

PGS Point Standings

Looking ahead, the excitement isn’t over yet! Three more events remain where teams can earn PGS points: the EWC, and PGS 5 & 6. Following these competitions, the top 8 teams with the highest PGS Points will secure their spots at the PGC 2024.

For a detailed breakdown of the PGS points system, please refer to our earlier announcement, Road to PGC: PUBG Esports 2024 Point Distribution.