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PUBG Esports Global Partner Team Interview – Four Angry Men

Q. Hello Four Angry Men players! Could you please introduce yourselves briefly?

ZpYan1: Hello, I’m ZpYan1. I recently joined Four Angry Men and am currently the in-game leader for the team.

HSmm: I'm HSmm. I also recently became a member of the team.

CRAZY112: Hello, I am CRAZY112.

xxxLu: I'm xxxLu. Nice to meet you all!

Q. After PGS 1, Four Angry Men acquired two new players, ZpYan1 and HSmm. To ZpYan1 and HSmm, how did you blend yourselves in the team while getting excellent results? To the exiting players, CRAZY112 and xxxLu, what do you think are the new strengths that Four Angry Men now have with ZpYan1 and HSmm joining the team?

ZpYan1: During the Group Stage of PGS2 CN Qualifiers, we did not do well and only got 12th. Therefore, we had a team meeting before the Grand Finals, and made everyone clear what each one of us are responsible for. In the Grand Finals, we listened more from each other, especially xxxLu and CRAZY112's opinions on Miramar, so we won the tournament.

xxxLu: After ZpYan1 and HSmm joined the team, we came to have a solid belief that we are a strong team. HSmm is a player who can provide efficient information for the team while pointing out crucial matters. ZpYan1, as the in-game leader, also strengthened team's combat capabilities and enabled CRAZY112 to become stronger.

Q. One of the benefits of being a Global Partner Team is being able to showcase “Team Edition Skins” designed by the team to suit the team's concept. On August 2, ahead of the opening of PGS 2, Four Angry Men's team edition skin was also released. Do you think it suits the Four Angry Men team well?

xxxLu: I think it's beautifully designed, capturing the team uniforms vibes that our Four Angry Men players actually wore when participating in the competition.

Q. Could you share some details about the design of the Team Edition Skins for the fans who have been waiting for the items for a long time?

HSmm: The Team Edition Skins that we made this time is characterized by using the classic black and red colors, similar to the uniforms worn by our Four Angry Men players. And the Heart of the Champion ripple is engraved on the back of the top.


Q. As the team led the design themselves, you must have been waiting a long time for the Team Edition Skins to be launched and show it to the fans. You must have seen the design before its release, how did you feel when you first saw it?

ZpYan1: Before our Team Edition Skins were released, I had shown it to the people around me. Everyone said it was pretty, which was really nice. Personally, I think it would have been better if we added a bit of. I'm really happy now that we are finally releasing the items. I can’t wait to wear the skins and jump into the game.

Q. The overall style of Four Angry Men's Team Edition Skins is relatively simple and there are lines on the back, is there a specific reason for this design?

HSmm: When you win the PUBG Global Championship (PGC), you can release the winning team's skins as in-game items. We looked through the good elements of other teams’ skins that were released in the past.


Q. Are there plans to make real-life merchandized goods based on the design of the Four Angry Men's Team Edition Skins?

HSmm: We plan to release real-life merchandized goods in the future. Please keep an eye on our official Four Angry Men channels!

Q. When playing in Erangel, Four Angry Men quite often engage in landmark all-out skirmishes with Korea’s Danawa e-sports. Do you plan to have such a skirmish with Danawa e-sports until the end in this PGS 2?

CRAZY112: Yes, we will fight against Danawa e-sports until the end when we face them in the same landmark during this tournament. I think we'll face each other at “Yasnaya Polyana.”


Q. Among the teams participating in this PGS 2, is there a team that Four Angry Men is paying attention to?

xxxLu: We're paying attention to the teams from the same Chinese region: Petrichor Road, Tianba, 17Gaming, and DD Team.

ZpYan1: I think all the other 23 teams except our team can be our rivals and subjects to watch out for.


Q. Among the eight Global Partner Teams, which teams do you think deserve the top 3 spots in the PGS 2 Grand Finals (except for Four Angry Men)?

HSmm: All teams that are participating in PGS 2 are top teams from their region, and all of them are highly competitive. For the Global Partner Teams, I think all of them have good chance to get the top 3 in PGS 2. It is more dependent on their states during the tournament.


Q. What’s Four Angry Men’s goal in PGS 2?

CRAZY112: I think we will achieve at least 16th place.

HSmm: I think we have to do our best in every match. And the most important thing is to make it to the Grand Finals, where we want to get better results.


Q. Compared to other Chinese teams participating in PGS 2, what is Four Angry Men’s unique strong point that other teams don’t have?

CRAZY112: For ourselves, I think our unique strength is all about “daring to fight.” Even there is only 1% chance, we will put 100% effort for it. And we are not afraid of failure.


Q. CRAZY112, you are also scheduled to represent China in the upcoming “PUBG Nations Cup (PNC) 2023”, which will be held in Seoul in September. What are you looking forward to in PNC 2023?

CRAZY112: I believe it's important to enjoy the tournament.

Q. Recently, the “Bluebomb Rush Mode” was introduced in PUBG: BATTLEGROUNDS. Did you find it enjoyable when you played it? Many fans would want to see the Four Angry Men players playing the Bluebomb Rush Mode. Do you have plans to show this for the fans?

xxxLu: Of course, we've played it and was entertaining!

CRAZY112: In the Bluebomb Rush Mode, six players form a team. If we have time, we will team up with our team manager or coach to play, and show this to our fans.


Q. FaZe Clan, one of the Global Partner Teams from Europe, recently stated on their social channel that they would bombard Four Angry Men and 17Gaming with the newly introduced Panzerfaust and Mortar. What do you think about this?

CRAZY112: We will tie up the FaZe Clan players and launch them with a Panzerfaust. (laughs)

Q. Lastly, could you say a few words about your determination for PGS 2?

xxxLu: We will overcome all difficulties and do our best. Go Four Angry Men!

HSmm: Our team, Four Angry Men, is the strongest. No one can stop us!