pgc2021 promotion
IGL Focus: Tiikzu and Mert


It’s been a busy few weeks for ENCE and BBL Esports IGLs Tiikzu and Mert! As they march towards the final week of PGC 2021, the star players take some time out to discuss leadership, what the fans mean to them, and their hopes for the biggest PUBG Esports tournament of the year!



What is your style of leadership? 


Tiikzu: I am not a hasty player, the last thing I want to do is make knee-jerk calls during matches. My style is to observe, listen to my teammates, and analyse all possibilities before making a decision.


Mert: Inside the game it’s about being cool, calm and collected. Outside the game I focus on keeping my team together and united.

What attributes make a good leader? 


Tiikzu: You can easily spot a good leader. A good leader respects and listens to his teammates, and is eager to hear everyone’s opinion. It’s simple but effective, and that is what I always try to do. 


Mert: The first attribute leaders need is confidence, if that's not there then everything goes downhill. Additionally, it’s important to take your teammates thoughts into account. I listen to all the different points of view, consider them with my own, and act accordingly. 

Can you tell us a little about your tactics? How much planning goes into them?


Tiikzu: Our tactics mostly come from information that we have gathered. PUBG: BATTLEGROUNDS is different to other games in that you need to adjust your strategy for every match. Being able to adapt is such an important skill to have, and also a really difficult one to master.


Mert: We don’t have one tactic that I could easily share. There are so many variables in PUBG Esports and a lot changes from game-to-game, so a tactic that works in one match may not be successful in the next one. 


We know from experience what works where, when, and how, so we use that knowledge and ensure we play as a team. 

When things aren’t going well on the Battlegrounds, how do you as an IGL change that? 


Tiikzu: If our team isn’t having the best day on the Battlegrounds then I personally like to try a different approach to the game – we are a good roster so we’re always capable of changing it up and turning it around.


Mert: You shouldn't stress when things aren’t going well, especially when the situation is out of your control. I always have belief that my roster can step it up, even in the most challenging of situations. A good example of this is at PGI.S when at the halfway point we couldn’t even qualify for the Weekly Finals, but we kept working hard and finished the tournament in sixth place.  

Have you been studying other regions closely? 


Tiikzu: I like to study other regions’ overall playstyles, which have become more and more similar between each region as time has gone by. 


I only really care about teams who loot close to us and might be a threat in the early game. Other than that me and my team try to focus only on ourselves and how we can improve.


Mert: We follow all regions, but are probably most familiar with Asia as it is such a high standard.

What are your aims for PGC 2021?


Tiikzu: Here at PGC 2021 we are aiming to play our best PUBG Esports to prove that we are one of the strongest rosters on the international stage.


Mert: We want to outdo our accomplishments from PGI.S. The goal is always to win but a top 5 finish would make us happy as well.

Do you have a message for the fans watching?


Tiikzu: Thanks to all who support and watch, it makes every single one of us smile when we see the chat full of fans cheering us on.


Mert: You support us on our good and bad days. Thank you, we will do everything we can to make you happy this tournament.

Why should PUBG Esports fans support you?


Tiikzu: Fans should support us because we are the happiest team in the tournament, full of smiles and jokes. EZ4ENCE.

Mert: If they want to experience what it feels like to win then they should support us!