pnc2022 notice

The PUBG Nations Cup has finally returned after the long-awaited 3 years and as the PNC 2022 approaches, fans' expectations are growing larger.
Before we move on to this year's Nations Cup, let's take a look back to 2019.



PNC 2019

  • PNC 2019 held in Seoul, South Korea was the first national tournament in PUBG Esports.
  • A total of 16 teams, and 64 players participated in the event.
  • It looks like some players from PNC 2019 successfully made it into PNC 2022 as well! Looking forward to seeing their much-upgraded performance!
    • Vietnam - sapauu
    • Australia - Insight (2019 as a player, 2022 as a coach), luke12
    • Chinese Taipei - Leo (Now as eoL)
    • Argentina - Szylzen
    • Germany - Itzz_ChrizZ (2019 as a player, 2022 as a coach)
    • Finland - mxey, Tiikzu(2019 as a player, 2022 as ca oach)
    • United Kingdom - vard, mykle, MiracU ( 2019 as a player, 2022 as a coach)
    • Korea - Inonix, Loki

The Results of 2019

Thinking back on PNC 2019, what was your choice of most memorable moments? We are some of our choices.


  • The superplay of Inonix from Korea! Clearing the 3v1 push with pure performance was indeed one of the best scenes from PNC 2019!
  • Of course, the moment of squad wipe from the Vietnam team cannot be missed too! Will this year's Team Vietnam prove themselves again? Let's take a look at the moment from PNC 2019 and see!


  • Which team was the first winner of PNC? Lets watch the highlight video and find out!

PUBG Nations cup 2019 was indeed full of intense battle and excitement! Here are the links to the full 3 day-long tournament. Looking back to the previous tournament while we wait for the upcoming PNC 2022 would be a nice idea!


PUBG Nations Cup 2019: Day 1


PUBG Nations Cup 2019: Day 2


PUBG Nations Cup 2019: Day 3