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For the excitement of playing, TeaBone - PLAYER_X EP3 | PNC 2022

PUBG Esports pro players are striving for survival, and for great glory. The “PLAYER_X” interview series has returned for the “PUBG NATIONS CUP (PNC) 2022,” to look deeper into the life and dreams of pro players. The third player PLAYER_X met in Bangkok is Luke “TeaBone” Crafer of “PUBG GLOBAL CHAMPIONSHIP 2021” runner-up team, Heroic, and of the PNC 2022 champion Team United Kingdom. Keep reading to learn TeaBone’s life as a pro.

※ This interview was done before the PNC 2022.

Nice to meet you TeaBone! Could you introduce yourself to the readers?

TeaBone: Hello! My name is Luke Crafer and I’m known as TeaBone in PUBG Esports. I’m a member of Norwegian pro team Heroic and currently playing for the Team United Kingdom at PNC 2022.


What did you do before becoming a PUBG Esports pro player?

TeaBone: I used to work as a laborer on construction sites, for my brother basically.

Changing your job from a construction worker to a PUBG Esports pro player seems to be big jump. Did you have any concern in deciding on such a big shift and getting used to the new career?

TeaBone: Obviously it was a big jump. Leaving your job to play as an esports pro is a major change. My family didn’t really agree of it at first. But I really wanted to do it since I’ve been a kid. So, I just left my precious job for the new one.

There must a clear line between simply enjoying a game and doing it as a pro esports player. You must have tried hard to cultivate your skills. When did you realize that you could make a pro?

TeaBone: Honestly, it just came naturally. I just played the game I enjoyed. Obviously, it took a long period. But I enjoyed it. I was playing “PUBG: BATTLEGROUNDS” full time. When I was coming back from work, I was like running home quickly and played the game. I think if you enjoy the game, your skills will gradually grow. It was just a natural progression for me, I guess.

Joining Heroic, where you achieved the second spot with your teammates in PUBG GLOBAL CHAMPIONSHIP (PGC) last year, could be one of your biggest motives as a pro.

TeaBone: Yes. I would say, it was the biggest opportunity for me. Before Heroic, it was called “Omaken Sports.” And that was the first pro team for me. Obviously, I started to get a salary and committed a lot of time for gaming. It all stemmed from there.

Maybe that could be one of the most memorable moments for you as a pro.

TeaBone: PGC 2021 was definitely the most memorable moment for me. We were so close to get the first place. So close.

Finishing PGC 2021 in the second place, you also won the prize money. Adding the extra portion that came from the crowdfunding, it must be a significant amount of money. How did you feel about it?

TeaBone: I felt awesome. Honestly, it was nice to win that much money. I would say, it was a blessing. Even if it were not for money, I would probably still be playing. But it was nice, really.

Did you buy something as a compliment for yourself after PGC 2021?

TeaBone: Not really. (Laughter) I don’t really buy stuff for myself to be honest.


You said your childhood dream was to be a pro esports player. Did you enjoy video gaming since you were a little boy?

TeaBone: I’ve always watched my dad playing video games. When I was a kid, my dad played games like “Command & Conquer,” “The Settlers,” and stuff like that. As I’ve always watched him playing, then I also played games all my life.

What was your favorite game when you were growing?

TeaBone: I think the game I played the most when I was a boy was the “Battlefield” series. Well, apparently, I shouldn’t have played that since I was a kid. (Laughter)


What kind of person you are when you are not playing games?

TeaBone: Honestly, I just chill out. That’s what I like to do. I don’t really do huge, massive stuff. But I always try to be a nice person. I try to be a better person every day. I just stick to myself pretty much, and chill.

Apart from gaming, what makes you happy the most?

TeaBone: It’s a combination. One thing is the team. Playing with the team is like brotherhood. And the other is the excitement of playing. Continuously doing well and having hard games, back and forth.

Let’s talk about the game. What’s your favorite weapon or gadget in PUBG: BATTLEGROUNDS?

TeaBone: “SLR” is my favorite weapon by far. I can easily say it’s the best weapon in this game. Among the gadgets, I like the recently updated “Tactical Pack.” You can carry a bunch of vests and helmets in it. I need a lot of helmets because I ways got shot in the head. That’s pretty cool.

What do you like the most in this game as an entertainment content?

TeaBone: My favorite part of PUBG: BATTLEGROUNDS is that every game is different. There aren’t two games that are the same. It’s especially true at the professional level. Different scenarios happen, different teams pushing here and there, and then it changes the whole dynamic of the game. I’d say it’s the most entertaining thing to see how teams and players react to different scenarios.

Considering that PUBG: BATTLEGROUNDS is literally changing your life, what does this game mean to you?

TeaBone: PUBG: BATTLEGROUNDS means a lot to me. It’s a game that I’ve achieved a part of my dream with. So, I’ll always respect this game and have a big place in my heart for it. It has been a blessing all around to be able to play and fulfill something that I’ve always wanted to do.


What do you do to relieve your mental stress?

Teabone: That’s a good question. I have a variety of ways. I like going to the gym for cycling. Other than that, I think. Going through the process in what happened during the previous games is always a good choice, too.

This is very important for pro players. You must try to relieve your stress. You’re going to be annoyed no matter what you do, be it playing games as a pro or doing ordinary works. You need to do something not only to improve your mental health but also for your physical health. It’s because as a pro esports player you need energy to be able to play games for six to eight hours in a row.

What’s the best and the worst part of being a PUBG Esports pro player?

TeaBone: Honestly, being a PUBG Esports pro player is something I really enjoy. The best part for me is that every day, it’s not like work for me because it’s something I love to do. Just enjoying the game, enjoying playing with my team. The worst part is that the competition is very cutthroat especially with everyone in Europe, because there are so many great players. Many players in Europe have to work full time and play the game at the same time because there isn’t a huge financial support for all. I would say that’s pretty the hardest and the worst part. It’s hard to commit to both at the same time.


What’s your goal as a pro and as a person?

TeaBone: Definitely, my goal as a pro player is winning. I want to win something. I’ve been playing in the European tournament only for one year so far, but I want to win a “PUBG CONTINENTAL SERIES (PCS) EUROPE.” Of course, I want to win global tournaments, too.

As a human being, my goal is to be a good person. I mean that should be a goal for everyone. Be kind, be a good person and strive to be better every day.


What do you think is the most important standard that makes a great PUBG Esports player?

TeaBone: The biggest standard in PUBG Esports by far is to be a good communicator. If you don’t have good communication skills, it’s really hard. And you also need to have empathy for your teammates because it’s not a solo game. Unfortunately, some people think it is. But you’ve got three guys with you. You need to understand them and help them to do well.

What do you do to enhance the team chemistry?

TeaBone: I do free talks with my team. I like talking to them, making sure they all are chilling out and mentally okay. Other than that, we just have fun. That’s the key. Having fun.

How do you do that, having fun?

TeaBone: Jokes. And messing around like children. Nonsense pretty much, but yeah.

Do your teammates love your jokes?

TeaBone: I want to say that they love my jokes because they’re bad. I think I’m pretty funny sometimes.


How would you describe yourself as a PUBG Esports pro player? What will be the keyword that best represents you?

TeaBone: I would describe myself as a team player. Everything I do is to make sure my team can perform as best as they can. I think that’s the best word to describe me.

What kind of player do you want to be remembered by your fans when the day that you retire comes?

TeaBone: Again, a team player. I would like to be remembered as someone who’s always helping people to be better. Of course, I’d like to be remembered as someone that wins stuff, too. Every pro player would. But a team player is the key for me.

What do you want to do after retirement?

Teabone: Honestly, I would chill for a while. I want it too much. For at least couple of years. Other than that, find something I can enjoy. Just go with the flow. I also thought about becoming a coach. I think I could be a good coach. I don’t know why exactly but I would give it a shot.

Last question. What’s your motto that you keep in mind as a pro player?

TeaBone: “There’s no mistakes, just unlucky.”